
Dream workshop

share your dreams with us!

Since ancient times people believed that dreams have some extra sense to them. Wise philosophers and artisans of the past admitted that dreams brought them revelations and knowledge. From 20th century it is thought that dreams is something beyond normal waking life - a world of ghosts that affects our personality and motivations. There is plenty of evidence that dreams are not just mere illusions - they have sense.

look for yourself

Carl Jung

The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach

- Carl Jung, swiss psychoanalyst.

Friedrich Nietsczhe

What we experience in dreams - assuming that we experience it often - belongs in the end just as much to the over-all economy of our soul as anything experienced "actually": we are richer or poorer on account of it.

- Friedrich Nietsczhe, german philosopher.

Charles Dickens

Dreams are the bright creatures of poem and legend, who sport on earth in the night season, and melt away in the first beam of the sun, which lights grim care and stern reality on their daily pilgrimage through the world.

- Charles Dickens, english writer.

Arthur Shopenhauer

Life and dreams are leaves of one and the same book. The systematic reading is real life, but when the actual reading hour (the day) has come to an end, and we have the period of recreation, we often continue idly to thumb over the leaves, and turn to a page here and there without method or connexion.

- Arthur Shopenhauer, german philosopher.

Sigmund Freud

The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.

- Sigmund Freud, austrian psychoanalyst.

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Read, rate and comment dreams of other users

An ax

By: Christian Bale

Today I dreamt about grabbin an ax and killing an innocent woman. She was screaming so bad. After that I exercised and drank 3 gallons of pure water. I took a great stroll around my neighborhood breathing clean, fresh air. I got into cafe and got some soda for myself. After that I embraced the unbelievably pure blue sky. I thought the sun is the greatest invention of this world and should shine forever. Thoughts wouldnt ever leave me. I thought she was like my mother, what do you think?

Smoke pipe

By: Tomas Shelby

This pipe wouldnt leave me alone. I dream about it every night. The scenario is pretty similar in every one of these dreams: I smoke it and smoke and smoke until the vapor, the dark gray smoke fills the room and I suffocate. I wake up sweating after each occurence of this dream. My wife told me to quit smoking. Is there a solution to this?

Jesse Pinkman

By: Walter White

There is this good fella, Jesse Pinkman hes called. I met him pretty randomly and we make a good couple with each other. There is one thing tho: I dream about being him every damn night. I have cancer and he does not. In those dreams Im just young and fresh and never ending life envelopes me. Is there a way to stop this other than dying?

Write your own dreams and share them with other people. You can connect with each other via sending emails - but everything remains private
(it is your choice to fill non-violet fields tho)

Create your personal account where you can keep track of your dreams.
If you are logged in, your dreams are automatically signed by you and you can turn their visibility off to keep using our website as your journal.

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